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Illawarra Forum success with great speeches from Gordon Bradbery, Arthur Rorris, Jozefa Sobski and Sharon Bird

TAFE Community Alliance Marrickville Forum for the Inner West area of Sydney was held Friday April 5 at Addison Road Community Centre. The following resolution resulted: We the TCA are appalled by the O'Farrell government's destruction of NSW TAFE and we call for full restoration of TAFE funding and the abandonment of 'Smart and Skilled' and plans to replace teachers with lower paid less qualified tutors and assessors in the proposed Enterprise Agreement

NVEAC Equity Blueprint - summary of full text available

The Equity Blueprint is a comprehensive analysis of the VET system from an equity perspective.

TAFE Outreach Reponse to NVEAC Equity Blueprint: Comments from four TAFE Outreach Cordinators in South Western Sydney and Sydney Institutes on the National VET Equity Advisory Council’s (NVEAC) Draft Equity Blueprint.

Social Media

Workers Comp 2 Yrs On

Michael, Karen and David used to have good jobs, until workplace accidents cut their careers short. Click here to see how the Liberals and Nationals’ cuts to workers compensation has affected their lives and what it would mean for you if you were to be hurt on the job.

Smart and Skilled must be stopped. There is too much at stake.

NCVER Report, are the conclusions skewed? pdf


Want to know more?

Election 2019 - Stand up for TAFE

Stop TAFE CutsStop TAFE Cuts

I give a gonskiI give a Gonski
Stop cutsPutting students first
AEU Invest in Quality
Save TAFE ArtFund Art

Fight TAFE Cut Backs

Carmel Tebbutt

TCA Submission to Senate

"Quality vocational education and training should not be compromised by the opportunity to make money, or by the cutting of funding to TAFE to prevent it continuing to provide quality education and student support services."

Government rush for training market leaves TAFE without computer system

Enrolments at TAFE have been plunged into chaos by the rush to implement NSW Liberal-National government’s Smart and Skilled training market, threatening student numbers and finances, according to Greens NSW MP John Kaye

Chaos With Government Push to Implement Systems

Computer system imposed on TAFE by the Baird government creating greater barriers for people to access TAFE -

Unregistered training colleges target disadvantaged, sign them up to expensive government loans

An ABC report uncover more unscrupulous rorting as our government continues topour more money into poorly monitored private providers as TAFE get slashed and paraylsed.

Do you know more about this story? Email:  investigations@abc.net.au

702 The Homies Talk TAFE

The Future for TAFE

Peter Noonan who has been around the VET sector for many years in many roles suggests:
"TAFE's future will also not be found in just seeking to re-build market share but as a distinctive, high quality and flexible provider with a relentless commitment to student and industry engagement competitive in all of the markets in which it operates."  See his article in the Conversation.

Did you know?

What is happening with Smart and Skilled?

The Smart and Skilled website has links to information.

The complexity of Smart and Skilled is proving to be a serious problem as it intersects with new systems and funding cuts.

Previously finding out how much you would have to pay to study for a qualifcation was relatively straight forward. This is now impacted on a by arange of factors. First you need to see whether the qualification is on the Skills List, then you have to prove eligibility, then jump through a series of hoops to see whether you might be able to acheive an exemption of concession.

Next up you will be assessed to see whether this is your first qualifcation at the current level, if not you may be penalised with a higher cost for the qualification. At the coal face this is an exasperating process, even if teachers and admn staff are armed with the right peices of paper, information and by some miracle the systems are working, it is an arduous process that seriously undermines good pedagogical practice. The perfect storm for the crippling of TAFE.

Mick Veitch - MLC Hansard 19/9/13
The best way to ensure a strong economy, a strong future and a fair go for everyone starts with a good education and training system that gives people from all backgrounds the opportunity to develop the skills they need to participate in a vibrant and diverse economy.

Why TAFE needs government support to maintain high quality disability services for students!

This article explains the importance of disability services to TAFE students which you will find of concern. Read ArticleDownload full text

The NSW Government has asked the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal of NSW (IPART) to conduct a review of price and fee arrangements for government-funded vocational education and training under the State's Smart and Skilled reforms. From 2014, eligible people will be able to choose government subsidised training for select foundation courses and qualifications up to and including Certificate III from TAFE NSW or an approved private or community training organisation. See further information

ACPET, the national organisation for private training providers, has urged in their pre-budget submission to the Federal Government that TAFE should not continue to have ownership of its facilities. CEO of ACPET, Claire Field suggested that: "The public would get better bang for its money if infrastructure was owned publicly but at arm's length. See further information

Chris Bowen, Federal Minister for Tertiary Education, said in Parliament on 12 February 2013 that TAFE is at the frontline in skills training which is vital for our economy. He went on to say that all members on his side of the house (the Government) opposed the cuts to vocational education, and gave examples of NSW, Victoria and Queensland cuts to TAFE. See rest of Hansard report

New VET Advisory Board

The Federal Government's new VET advisory Board has no educational or Union expertise.  The Board is chaired by John Hart from Restaurant and Catering Australia, with four industry representatives including from Mines and Anglicare. As we have seen to-date the Government only consults with certain groups, and the lack of any educational expertise is of considerable concern. pdf

Gov Funding to Non-TAFE Providers Double +

According to AEU research, payments to non-TAFE providers, as a proportion of Government recurrent funding, was 11 per cent in 2008 and 23.2 per cent in 2012 nationally. pdf

Private Providers continue to make money out of taxpayer funds

TCA Joins Nurses & Firefighters

The Alliance joined nurses and firefighters in supporting the Mining the Age of Entitlement report released today by the Australia Institute, at a media launch.  pdf

Alliance launched  campaign on National TAFE Day.

The campaign was entitled ‘What do you reckon?  What are society’s expectations of TAFE?’ The State Government has used this budget to make further cuts to TAFE, but the Alliance believes that this continual undermining of the TAFE system in NSW does not represent community views.  We will be seeking views of the community to campaign around in the run-up to the State elections.  See media release pdfand Discussion paper.