Fact Sheets
Let's talk about TAFE response
Let’s talk about TAFE was the largest public consultation by TAFE NSW, undertaken in early 2013 at the request of the NSW Minister for Education, the Hon. Adrian Piccoli MP.
The consultation sought feedback on what the people of NSW value about TAFE NSW, how effective TAFE is in meeting industry and community needs and how TAFE NSW needs to adapt in a changing environment. Margie Osmond assures us it will be used to inform and guide the future direction of TAFE NSW
See the questions and some feedback submitted to worriedabouttafe Fact Sheet
Smart and Skilled
In NSW the lifelong entitlement to affordable quality vocational education and training, that has contributed to a healthy economy and society for decades is under threat. Fact Sheet
Lessons from other states
What has happened and is happening in Victoria, South Australia and Queensland Fact Sheet
Reforms, Funds, Fees and Debts
Proposed reforms in vocational education and training appear to be short sighted as the government loads people with limited earning capacity with debt. Fact Sheet