Derrick Waddell's Introduction
TAFE Community Alliance Launch – 22nd February, 2013
First of all I’d like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land we’re gathered on today and their elders past and present.
My name’s Derek Waddell, I’ve been asked to MC this meeting because I’ve worked for TAFE for 206 years but I’ve been retired for some time. So I’m coming in as an outsider, someone who saw TAFE from all sorts of angles and appreciated the wonderful stuff it did.
The purpose of this meeting is to launch this campaign to try and preserve TAFE as the leading provider of adult technical and second-chance education in NSW.
I’m to invite as many people as possible to be involved in our campaign to convince the Government how wrong their actions are.
I trust you’ve all signed, coming in, the registration because that means we’ve got all the names of the people here.
A couple of other things here. Before you leave if you take one of these cards it gives you contact details [and] how you can read all about the campaign over the website, and also on the back suggests some actions you may want to be involved in to help what we’re doing.
Secondly, there are petitions to sign if you’d like to sign one of them on the way out. Also if you would like to take some and talk with your friends and community and get them to sign it also.