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TCA Spokespersons

Linda SimonsLinda Simon: Full profile

Jozefa SobskiJozefa Sobski AM: Full profile

Media Releases

The State - Minister for Skills and Training (The Hon Alister Henskens MP)

State Shadow Minister for Skills and Training in NSW (The Hon Tim Crakanthorp)

The Federal Minister for Skills and Training (The Hon Brendan O'Connor)

Shadow Minister for Industry, Skills and Training (The Hon Sussan Ley MP)

NSW State Election 23 TCA

TCA Briefing Paper NSW State Elections 2023

"There is a need to rebuild TAFE NSW in physical, human and online terms, with centres for access, equity and excellence. TAFE colleges need to be revitalized as continuous connected learning centres, engaging community, commercial and technical interests."

TCA Shadow Minister meeting 10-11-2022

Questions to the Minister

Federal Budget: TAFE at the heart of Labor’s economic plan?

"In contrast to almost ten years of a conservative Federal Government that continued the marketisation of the VET sector and introduced such disastrous policies as VET FEE-HELP, the Albanese Labor Government made it clear from the start that it was committed to rebuilding vocational education and training through TAFE institutes and that it saw TAFE as fundamental to its economic plan."

Linda Simon writing for Pearls and Irritation Nov 2022

Made in Australia: will Labor get the job done with free TAFE?

"Vocational education needs investment and reforms to ensure Australia’s prosperity: Anthony Albanese has revealed how Labor will meet the challenge.

Linda Simon writing for Pearls and Irritation Dec 2021


Party responses to this inquiry for NSW election 2023.

The Greens - full response

Thank you for contacting the Greens NSW regarding the TAFE Community Alliance’s election issues. 

The Greens support the Alliance position on these critical issues. The Greens NSW Education election policy platform includes strong commitments in relation to restoring TAFE. 

Restoring TAFE is fundamental to supporting people in our communities to grow skills and educational wealth. The Greens believe that any person who wants vocational education in our communities should have access regardless of their socio-economic background, cultural background, or learning needs. Forcing students to pay fees to undertake higher learning is a travesty and it is the most vulnerable in our communities who are missing out on educational opportunities because of the Liberals and Nationals systemic underfunding of TAFE, the introduction of student fees, and the appalling pay and conditions for teachers. 

The current salary, conditions and workload of TAFE teachers has become a barrier to retaining existing teachers and the recruitment of new teachers. TAFE teachers are now paid less than school teachers despite being required to have additional expertise. 

The Greens will restore a free and well-resourced TAFE system where teachers and students are valued. The Greens will ensure fair and just salary increases for TAFE teachers and reverse the casualisation of the TAFE workforce. The Greens will deliver 100% funding to TAFE from the State and Commonwealth budgets with no competition from private providers. 

The Greens commitment to restoring TAFE includes:

For more information on the NSW Greens Education policy see the  Greens Education Policy.

"The NSW Greens believe education is a human right of children and people at all stages of life"